Register to CHASNZ
Create your digital profile
You will need to upload a form of ID as listed below.
We use this to confirm that your details are correct, and then we delete the photo.
What form of ID are you uploading? (If you do not have one of these forms of ID, you must register through a ConstructSafe assessment provider)
NZ Driver licence
NZ Firearms licence
Upload a photo of your ID here:
Please use a .jpg or .png file and NOT a PDF
Please enter the details exactly as they appear on your form of ID.
Given name
Family name
Your email address - We use this to communicate with you, but we do not share this with others.
Click below to upload your profile photo - This will appear on your public digital profile.
Please make sure that your face is clearly visible, just like a passport photo.
Please use a .jpg or .png file and NOT a PDF
What is your job role?
Which company do you work for?
(You can choose ’Someone else’ if you cant find your company)
Work for?
Optional : Verify your My Vaccine Pass
You can add an icon to your digital profile that confirms your vaccine pass is valid. This icon dissapears when your vaccine pass expires. You can update this later from the CHASNZ app if you like.
Upload a photo of your vaccine pass below:
This must be clear, and show the QR code and expiry date. CHASNZ will verify your vaccine pass.
Please use a .jpg or .png file and NOT a PDF
Once verified, an icon will appear on your digital profile to show that the vaccine pass is valid. Choose who can see this icon:
Only me
CHASNZ will NOT store your date of birth, but WILL capture the date of expiry.The QR code from your vaccine pass can ONLY be accessed by you.
Click here to register
Next steps : Download the app
Once we have verified your ID, you will receive an email with log in details to the CHASNZ app, and the online CHASNZ portal.
You should download the CHASNZ app by clicking the link below:
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